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Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 Tips to Make Your Home Appliances Last Longer

Growing dependence on appliances is a part and parcel of our modern day lifestyle. We are no more in a position to say no to the use of the household appliances as we are already very much into the habit of using these appliances, taking benefit from these in order to make our life easy and smooth. The modern and improved technology has given us so many advanced household gadgets that keep our life simple, easy going and fast. Hence, it is no surprise that we are addicted to live a life supported with house appliances. If by any chance these appliances get malfunctioned then it becomes a problem for all of us to adjust with the day to day household activities. 

Starting from morning bread toasting, coffee making, utensil cleaning, cloth washing, room cleaning, what is there for which we are not dependent on some appliance completely or partially. Hence, any appliance out of order can create a great problem to us. However, we all must have experienced such a day in our life when a malfunctioning home appliance must have troubled us, it can be  an out of order air conditioner, or a television or a mixer grinder. It is quite sure that you don’t want to let such condition happen to you again. Hence, following are some quick tips on how to keep your home appliances last for longer.

Tips for Kitchen Oven: Never use the Self-Clean feature of your Oven because a fume is emitted on doing so and these fumes are toxic.  Moreover, high temperatures are required for the self-clean cycle and this can lead to the failing of the parts. 
Tips for Refrigerator: Make a habit to clean up the refrigerator’s condenser regularly.  This won’t take much time but can lengthen the refrigerator’s life considerable. Condenser protects your compressor from overheating.   But a dirty condenser can cause the compressor overheating which can damage the refrigerator’s cooling process.

Tip for dishwasher:  Doesn’t believe in the TV commercials that show that a dishwasher is strong enough to clean even the dishes that are not rinsed. It won’t take you much time or effort to simply rinse the dishes to remove the leftovers and then put it in the dishwasher. This will not only make your dishes cleaner but also keep your dishwasher operationally sound.

Tip for a washing machine: Never overload your washing machine by stuffing clothes. In a hurry you may think of putting more clothes at one time. But every washing machine has its capacity and it must not be overloaded, which cuts the life of the machine. You can easily know when your machine is overloaded. It will make noise and also get the shakes because of the banging of the tubs against the sides.

Tip for Dryers: Always make sure to keep the screen of your dryers clean. You must make it a habit to clean your dryer screen after every load.  Also make sure to vacuum the dryer and vent line in order to prevent any possibility of dryer fires.

About the Author: Timothy Gugerty is Home Improvement Consultant in Las Vegas. He has 6+ Years of experience as Home Improvement Consultant and has worked with many Firms in Las Vegas. Here he is sharing his views on many Home Appliances, he writes often about the latest trends and technologies coming to this particular industry.


  1. hey cassie,

    nice blog! Really you have provided very good information here.

    HVAC Las Vegas

  2. Hi,

    These are just some great tips and I think one of the most important ones is setting and respecting a schedule for home improvement .


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