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Thursday, October 10, 2013

DIY Disasters

D.I.Y seems to be synonymous with the rule of ‘if it can go wrong it will go wrong’. Most people have had their share of D.I.Y disasters to tell from frustrating flat packs to painting catastrophes and dodgy plumbing to dangerous electrics. How many people have started a D.I.Y project with the mind-set of ‘how hard can it be?’
In most cases of D.I.Y the outcome is relatively satisfactory, others have created something that vaguely resembles the picture on the box and for a small unfortunate minority the simple task of assembling a TV stand or installing new light fixture turns into utter chaos.

Sometimes for an unexplained reasons carnage ensues when seemingly intelligent, capable people pick up the hammer. The people below have shot themselves in the heart, sawed off their own arms, and evacuated their neighbourhoods and even uncovered World War II bombs in their back gardens!

The popularity of D.I.Y projects is on the rise and along with this the number of D.I.Y related accidents is increasing. Last year 25,000 Australians were hospitalised from ladder falls, 600 people a day ended up in hospital in the United Kingdom after carrying out D.I.Y, gardening or maintenance and the use of home power tools sent over 80,000 Americans seeking medical help. Accidents  happen that is a given but D.I.Y accidents are some of the most preventable ones if you follow the instructions, work within your skill level and don’t think it will be easy just because it is Do It Yourself!


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